Friday, March 16, 2012

Finding the time

In taking the time to create a Blog, you start thinking of the topics of conversation that you would like to include, links to recipes and DIY Crafts, words of encouragement, books to read, movies to see, products to try and most of all, Inspiration in His Word.  All of the things that make being a Christian Woman so wonderful.  

However, for so many of us, it is such a hard task to fit it ALL IN!  At least for me it is.  Where do I find the time to try the recipe, make the craft, read the book, watch the movie and use that new facial mask that's going to take all the wrinkles away, let alone, time in His Word?  

Ahhh, where is the time?

Well, I stumbled across a website, that lead me to a post by this lovely women over at Sisters in Bloom.  She spoke directly to me about the exact thing I was struggling with.  Here is her post.   She talks about Being Fed by the Word.  

"I have found myself losing patience with the kids, having a bad attitude toward the housework, or feeling plain old overwhelmed with it all, and I have known exactly what I need. I need Him. I need time at His feet, in the Word, in dedicated prayer time. It’s not enough to offer up a prayer here and there." 

Oh my, I CAN RELATE!  This is me right now in my life.  Gosh, did I really just stumble across this, or did God guide me to find her words?  I think He knew I needed to hear this.

I went the next step and checked out Hello Mornings.  What do you know, registration is just around the corner.  April 16th!  I have just enough time to get my head around this and carve this out as a priority. 

The Hello Mornings Challenge is based on the (free) ebook, Maximize Your Mornings, which specifically challenges moms to 'stop waking up TO their children and start waking up FOR them'.  It's done online.  Your assigned a group and your given the material to discuss each week. 

For me, time is precious, but so is my relationship with God.  This might be just the place to start putting Him first.